Frequently Asked Questions

If I have an accident what should I do?

Stay calm! Being involved in an accident is an upsetting experience. However, if you can stay calm it will help you remain in control of the situation. Exchange your personal, vehicle and insurance details with the other person involved in the accident. 

If you have a camera take photos. If it is safe to do so, take photos of the cars immediately after the collision if not, take photos of the damage to both vehicles and of the road layout once you have moved to a safe location. 

Should anyone be injured then call the emergency services. Once you are able to, then call Provincewide Claims Ltd. and one of our claims team will process your claim. 

Call Provincewide Claims Ltd. from the scene if your vehicle is immobile and one of our claims team will make arrangements for it to be uplifted to a garage or place of safe storage.

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How do I get my car fixed?

Once you report your claim to Provincewide Claims Ltd. one of our claims team will give you the best advice on what options are open to you. We work closely with garages all over Northern Ireland who are approved for the insurance companies. We also have our own panel of approved garages and should you prefer, can work with a garage of your own choosing.

What if I’m not at fault for the accident?

You can claim from your own insurer or the third party’s insurer for your vehicle damage if you are not at fault for the accident. One of our claims team will be able to advise you regarding who is at fault based on your accident description. If the circumstances of the accident indicate you are not at fault they will advise on the best way to claim for the damage to your vehicle. You can claim for other headings of claim from the third party insurer such as your policy excess, recovery charges for your vehicle, depreciation on your vehicle, personal injury to yourself and/or occupants of your vehicle. 

We have a panel of solicitors that we regularly deal with who can be instructed under the cover of the Legal Expenses policy and they will handle the recovery of whatever headings of claim you may have.

Will I get another vehicle provided to me while my own is being repaired?

If you are at fault and use an approved repairer with your own insurer then you will be provided with a basic small car under the terms of your policy, known as a courtesy car. If you are not at fault for the accident then Provincewide Claims Ltd. can subject to terms and conditions, arrange for you to be provided with a hire vehicle similar to your own via our subsidiary company Provincewide Car Hire Ltd. This vehicle cost will be reclaimed from the fault third party insurance company. Terms and condition of its provision will be explained to you by one of our claims team at the time of it being provided.

What if I have an accident in the Republic of Ireland?

This is not a problem. We are able to provide all of the same facilities detailed above should the accident happen in the Republic of Ireland.